The Great Revealer

What if we look back some day and, to the Crown that shifted all, we say: thank you?

Or maybe we need not wait? Can we find already much to appreciate?

What has been revealed, can we list? Please know that I do not insist on belittling, beguiling, laughing, or smiling at the severity of pain and grief that has been endured. In searching for the cure, why not change course, change direction, dream of a a new world that has learned and evolved.

I can not solve anything for you. There is so much information and so many lies flying through the ethers, and I stopped listening a long time ago. So where did I go for Truth? Deep inside to the wires that connect me to the Source of all that is. Can you remember how to access that space? And if you glimpse it, can you trust what you are shown regardless of being able to back it up with science, or peer-review? Few of us can still remember how to clue into what feels true. Let’s work on getting that skill back. Connection. Inner knowing. The small still voice that whispers, the one that is clearly neither saboteur nor saviour, the personal instructions you can access that are only true for you. What I LOVE the most about bringing this back is that one can never ever know what is right for somebody else, only for themselves. When I respect that you are listening to your own personal instructions, I haven’t the gumption to tell you what to do! How could I possibly know what is best for another person? I can only know what is best for me. And with this premise, I release all desire or wish to control or to judge other people. And I expect the same respect be given to me. Such a powerful dissolver of conflict, no? Ah! Inner knowing. May we all return to this depth of connection to Source! And so, it is.

And perhaps, that is enough for today.

A Return

Don’t forget to come back. To share your gifts. They are needed, dear Starshine. All will align. It already has.

Here are some words:

Eleven Blossoms Strong (“For LOVE”)

A symbol. A moment. An ancient heart-song.
Delicate perfection, eleven blossoms strong.
Was the beauty always present within?
Since forever and all along?

Iridescent fabric, weaved by the Divine
Alien faces opening slowly to a strange and unknown world
Bizarre and awkward, such dear tiny beings peering outwards with wonder
Encircled by the glorious protection of their triumphant angel wings

Open your heart! Find the courage to sing!
To bring the light of love
Even amidst the painful sting
Of all we are learning while we journey on this constantly shifting, ever-turning
Mother Earth.

…And nobody said it would be easy…

Still. The Beauty of living is never hidden from view
She always resides in us, around us
Ever-present, She surrounds us.

The Muse. The Source.
The undeniable force that ebbs and flows.
Beginning in sweet, deep slumber
The once dormant explodes!
Into life. And love. She grows and grows.
(Then dies to begin again, so best not wake too slow)

Softly tempting, She reminds us…
To peer out. Remove the veil.
Dare to See and be Seen.
To connect in heart-centered intimacy,
Is to awaken from the dream.

A dream of separation. A dream of alone.
There really is nothing wrong with You.
You have no sins to atone…

For…For? What are we for?

I already know. I was told a few years ago
By the angel I birthed, His wisdom aglow:

“You are for what everyone is for, mama.
For LOVE.”

stifling tears with words

They must think me very strong
Are they wrong?
About that
About this.
Am I?
Was there something I missed?
I miss.
I miss lots.
It seems
Most of all
I’m missing
something that I forgot

She can handle it.
They must say.
Like that time
The grade 9 teacher
put the only
black dot
on my forehead
everyone finding their groups
their tribe
I was pushed aside
She told me later
She chose me
knowing I was solid
in my self
Me? Me.

They must know I am strong
I can get through this
life might seem amiss
but my deepest knowing
that place where faith and trust
constantly growing
even though
my mind
Won’t admit them yet
Unwilling to forget
what it thinks it already knows

Faith. She flows.
And life?
It just goes.
On and on
Vibrations and songs
So varied
So vast
Indescribable beauty and awe
Struck with wonder
Rubbed raw
polished and shined
withered and undefined

whatever it is,
It’s one fucking hell of a blessED ride.

“Journeys to the Self”

It’s been so long! Since I posted on here. I’m in a coffee shop with a very old journal. I found this unfinished poem from December 21st, 2012. I share it now, and, perhaps, finish it later..?

I thought I was alone
Mukluks crunching in crisp diamond snow
Sun low – Solstice Day
She walks with me
Silent, weightless

Floating amongst the salmon coloured willows
Atop the thumping bullrushes.
At times, she lies flat
Yet moving still
Gliding across the snow covered river marsh

Alone but together
She pats the shadow dogs
A reminder

The Light and all that is given
Together as one
All that throbs and ebbs beneath the powerful Sun

Half a world away
In both time and space
That same shadow girl
Crumbles with each crashing wave

Yet, she never dissipates, only shimmers
Wavering beneath the full blood moon
Running backwards as toes scrape
Dancing upon wet ocean sand

Phosphorescence shimmering in long green lines
The passage of life, the movement of time
Am I still that girl? Somehow in some way?
A shadow of everything that while in flux,
Will always stay.

Are you ready? For some poetry.

Here it is. A new space. To create. To share. I used to care, SO much. About: what people thought. I worried a lot. I didn’t share my works. My words. Warriors that never go to battle have very little chance of achieving victory. And, in the words of Nahko Bear: “I will aim to be peaceful, but I keep my knife at my side.” My “knife,” I have discovered, is the arrangement of words that is expressed through me. Remembering the first time I heard the expression: “The pen is mightier than the sword.” The resonance of that phrase struck me to the core. Goosebumps. Knowing. All this time, I’ve been growing. Ready now. Not knowing how, or what my words might shift or change. How they might, if lovingly and intuitively arranged, bring understanding of the depths to others who hear. Who see. Who are no longer afraid to Be. What Truths lie just beneath the surface? What layers of Reality can we access? Let us find out. Sub-reality. Create and be free!!