“Medicine Man”


Carrying the pipe
The gift of sight
Red-tailed Hawk at your side
Truth that can’t be denied
Rest into it
The power.
With gratitude.
Now is the hour
Your gifts will flower
If you rest and let go
Life force will flow
Through you.
To you.
From you.
Come you. All of you.
Join this dance of Being
Through illusion we are seeing
Medicine man. Medicine woman.
Shamans and healers
Deep and sensitive
Lovers and feelers.
Rest peacefully in the knowing
That Faith is a flowing.
What is, is just right.
Not to be forced with might.
You already ARE your purpose.
This truth can sustain us.
Protect us and train us.
Destroying self-defeating thoughts.
Patterns of mind that keep getting caught.
On the over and over and over again
Of, “not enough, try harder!” Too crazy, ugly, stupid, insecure –
No more self torture!
Break free.
And become ever and ever more sure:
I am sublime.
And you?
Are too.

March 2nd, 2015

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